Scott Finlayson

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Career Statistics

League Comp Total
Singles Won 0 0 0
Singles Lost 1 0 1
Doubles Won 1 0 1
Doubles Lost 0 0 0
Break Dish 0 0 0
Reverse Dish 0 0 0
Lags Won 0 0 0
Lags Lost 0 0 0

Career Statistics

None Played


Team History
  • League Comp Total
    Singles Won 0 0 0
    Singles Lost 1 0 1
    Doubles Won 1 0 1
    Doubles Lost 0 0 0
    Break Dish 0 0 0
    Reverse Dish 0 0 0
    Lags Won 0 0 0
    Lags Lost 0 0 0
Trophy Cabinet
No trophies won yet
Match History
Thursday, 05 September 2024
Premier vs The Store Club
Thursday, 05 September 2024
Premier vs The Store Club
Edinburgh Pool Association
League season 24/25