Mold and District Pool League Rules


The Mold and District Pool league also referred to as MADPL plays to the Blackball ruleset. It is played on a Tuesday Night.

General Rules

Matches will consist of 10 singles and made up of two sets of 5.

The same players that play in the first 5 may play in the second 5 frames  i.e. a team may only have 3 players or as many as 10 on the night

Matches will commence at 8pm prompt, games may be claimed firstly at 8:30pm then at 10 minute intervals up to 8:30pm, unless the following applies..

  • Teams running late for any reason should make an effort to contact a committee member or their opposing captain to let either of us know

Any complaint should try and be resolved between both captains on the night;

If this can’t be done then a complaint should be sent to the Committee.

The  committee will then review the complaint and take the necessary action required

All decisions will be made by the committee unless it is deemed necessary by the committee to involve others. ie should a committee member/s be involved directly with a dispute

Teams should lag for every break.

Home teams are responsible for refereeing ALL games .

Games should be played in a SPORTSMANLIKE manner at ALL times.

The Bottom 2 teams from the 1st division and the 2nd division may be relegated at the commencement of the season, But more than 2 teams may be promoted from the 2nd and 3rd divisions depending on the amount of new teams entering the league.

If ANY team drops out of the league and wishes to rejoin the following season, they are then regarded as a new team. And will start the new season in the 3rd division.

A team moving venue does not constitute a new team but a minimum of 4 players from the original venue must remain in the team.

A minimum of 4 players is required to be regarded as an existing team if a team is splitting to form 2 teams

Any team or player  caught fighting; intimidation or giving verbal or threatening behaviour will be expelled from the league, and only reinstated after an appeal and/or after a decision from the committee.

If a team drops out of the league, then all the points are to be removed Inc all merit points

Any team moving venues during the season MUST inform the Committee

Any captain changing their mobile number during the season MUST inform the committee, change of captain must also inform the committee: due to relevant information being text through to captain at various stages through the season.

All monies due MUST be collected at presentation night, failure to do so will result in them being returned to league funds - Requests for others to collect unless it’s a team member will not be accepted

All trophies taken at presentations are the responsibility of the teams who take them.

Anything not covered by these rules will be discussed and sorted via the committee where a decision will be made and introduced into league rules with immediate effect.

Entry Fees

The entry fee will be £70 per team payable  before  the  league starts

The entry fees for the Singles competition  is £5 per player.

The entry fees for the Doubles competition is £10 per team.

Match Player Setup

Matches will consist of 10 singles and made up of two sets of 5,

the same players that play in the first 5 may play in the second i.e. a team may only have 3 players or as many as 10 on the night

No player may play in a set twice ie: A player may only play back-to-back in positions 5 and 6

A team MUST have at MINIMUM of 3 players to fulfil any fixture, frames 4,5,9 and 10 being given to the opposition depending on 3 or 4 players

Once frame no.6 has started frames 4 and 5 are given away and CANNOT be played at a later point in the evening ,

Should another player turn up in the second set they can play in that set.

  • If a team turns up with 4 players and are awaiting a 5th player. The 5th frame is allowed to be available to be played until the Blackball has been potted in the 7th Frame. If the player has not turned up by the end of the 7th frame then the 5th frame is conceded.
  • If both teams are short of players the result on the night stands and non claimed / played games are void – eg where a team wins on the night but doesn’t get 6 frames as per the norm

Teams may sign players anytime during the season but NOT during the last 4 league matches. Rackemapp has been set up so that you will not be able to register any new players from 26th of March.

They may then be able to  play on the night of signing.

A player is considered signed to the team after playing 2 league matches for that team

Teams found guilty of playing an unregistered player will lose that match 10 – 0 and forfeit a further 6 points i.e. a player who has already played for another team;

Players know if they have played for another team and merit details are available to access online so there is NO excuse.


The League is now using Rackemapp.

All scorecards will be entered online on the rackemapp website,  or through the Rackemapp app. Captains should have an account and login details to do this.

Scores and results will be updated live on the system

You will be able to see live scores

There are plenty of links available to demonstrate how the app/website works

If you are unable to use Rackemapp due to no signal then you will have to

Write down the Scorecard on paper and send it over to the relevant whatsapp group. Every effort should be made to use the software as scores, merits and results are updated as they happen.

The point system is 3 points for a win, and 1 point for a draw.


Merit wins will only be awarded on the FIRST GAME that the player plays on the night

Postponements of matches

In the event of a team not turning up then a 10-0 loss will occur.

Any team failing to turn up for a league fixture 3 times during the season will be expelled from the league.

To postpone a match at least 24 hours’ notice must be given to the opposing team and to the committee. The fixture should then be re-arranged within 4 weeks of the date that the fixture was meant to be played.

Teams can, if they wish, play before the fixture date.

If a team postpones a game, they can’t postpone another game without playing the first postponed match. Failure to do so will result in the first match being forfeited and a 10-0 loss applied

Teams will not be punished for postponing a fixture due to players away representing their country.

  • The team postponing the fixture within the 24 hour period will lose 10-0 and also receive a 1 point deduction.


The Fixtures will be available to view on the website before the commencement of the the League

Fixtures may be reversed upon agreement between BOTH teams, this may not always be possible as you may have two teams playing from the same venue but only one table ,the committee MUST be informed of this and will see if it is possible.

It is the Captain's responsibility to know who they are playing each week. If you are unable to access the fixtures then you should contact the committee secretary or a committee member who will be able to find out this information for you. Fixtures will be posted on facebook and whatsapp groups.

Teams should make every effort to complete their fixtures as per fixture list

BOTH teams should make an effort to fulfil the above rules

Teams not turning up for a fixture will incur a 10-0 loss and a 1pt deduction


Players are allowed to transfer teams but only ONCE in a season.

A player may transfer for any reason but they must inform the committee and their current team of their decision before playing for their new team.

Transfers must be completed before the halfway point of the season.

Rackemapp has been set up so that you will not be able to transfer any players from 10th of January.

Should a team drop out of the league players can transfer to another team up to the halfway point of the league. A maximum of 2 players can transfer to any one particular team

No transfers are allowed after the commencement of the halfway point of the season.

Singles and Doubles Competitions

A singles and doubles knockout will be run during the season and will be self funding.

The finals of which will be played on presentation night

Contact numbers must be given for each player and closing dates are to be adhered to.

BOTH Players/Teams should make an effort to play their matches on or before the deadline date.

Any Player/Team having difficulty arranging a match should contact a committee member.

Any issues can be addressed to the committee i.e. from players/teams not turning up to an arranged match, players/teams not responding to messages

The committee will then decide on the appropriate action

Information will be requested from teams and deadlines and draws will be presented by the committee.

Singles entry fees are £5

To be eligable to enter the Singles competition players must have played 4 LEAGUE matches.

Doubles entry fees are £5 per person. i.e. £10 per team.

To be eligable to enter the Doubles competition both  players must have played 4 LEAGUE matches.

Talking between shots is allowed however once a player has put his hand on the table then talking to his/her partner is forbidden.

Super and Consolation Cups

A knockout competition will be played on a home and away basis, in the event of a tie there will be a 3-frame playoff consisting of 3 players who have played on the night.

Teams being knocked out of the 1st round of the Super Cup will be entered into the Consolation Cup

Players MUST have played at least 4 League matches for any team to be able to eligible to play in the latter stages of any cup competition; semi-final onwards – Captains are responsible for their team selections regarding this and player stats are available on line to view at all times to verify as necessary

  • Any team breaking the rules will be expelled from the competition


Refreshments i.e. food may be served at half time if desired, but not used before halftime to stall for players.

All Rules can be discussed and amended at the AGM Meeting and voted in, if needed to be modified.